Wednesday, 10 October 2012

A question that gets lobbed at me...

It's a fair question and it demands a fair answer, because it's a definite puzzler to some people.

"If you're as dedicated as you say to Lilith... then why on earth do you do this Angelic summoning stuff? Surely they're not a good mix?"

It's a good question, and requires a good, solid answer. But I have to drift back a bit first, and then forwards, and to the side so you get the whole thing.

It was sometime in the dawn of 2011 that I sat up suddenly with the realisation that there qwas something very important that was missing from my theocosmology. It was simple, and I kicked myself over it. Lilith, as a Lady, a Power in her own right, is not going to to everything alone. And after a long night's sleep it fell into my head that she had handmaidens. These Handmaidens were seven in number, and each represented one of the Virtues. (And yes, I shall get back to those in due course. They need a whole post to themselves, but they did Sidetrack me for some time.)

And then in due time I rather fell into the deep dark pit of Hermetic magick, and after taking my first, faltering steps, beginning to feel like Bambi when he first started walking, I began to start thinking hard about this question myself. I had several rationalisations/reasonings, but it didn't feel right, particularly from the whole Lilith/Jahweh clash angle.

But then there was a little tap on my shoulder, metaphorically speaking, and something clicked. Just... clicked.

Seven Planets. Seven Archangels.

Seven Virtues. Seven Handmaidens.

After that came together, I felt a lot better. I was calling on versions of the Handmaidens, in my own worldview. After that, the Archangels started being more communicative, rather than just being felt presences. But something still didn't quite feel right.

Andd then, while doing further research for myself, trying to get more of the Sumerio-Akkadian things in order, and just plain *learning* about things, I then discovered something that put it all back into perspective. Like a hand patting me on my shoulder reassuring me.

I discovered the Utukku.

The Utukku are a genus of "demons" (most likely Daimons) from Sumerio-Akkadian legend that could be nice or they could be nasty. And they seeed to be grouped in groups of seven. The pleasanter ones were known as Lamassu or Shedu, depending on their gender. And then I discovered something that really DID shock me: I had already seen one.

When I did my first Jupiterian rite, I got an image, in my head, of a Lioness with three eyes and six wings, and a sort of crown.  How do these spirits appear? A lion with wings.

I found that out quite by accident.

What it has told me, what it did teach me, is that I am definitely on the right track with my workings and researches. But theres still one very definite question, or part of the question, that requires an answer.

"So why use those names?"

Simple. I don't know the *real* names yet for these specific spirits. But if Jupiter can be invoked by the group I'm part of under many different names- Marduk, Enlil, Thor, Zeus, Perun- then I have no doubt that these spirits can be known by those names. But as soon as I find them out, I'll be switching those names in faster than you can say Abracadabra.

Funny thing is, or maybe not so funny, the only names I can find for these creatures are the names of the malevolent ones. And I'm not about to try conjuring THEM. Things are complicated and ropey enough in my life without angry malevolent man-erating flying lions in my life.


  1. Hey Matthew I can give a hint to your readers on why Deamons wont actually have mcuh problem with angelic magic as long as they are respecfully treated and not mixed up at the same time If you want me to help them understand a few things :)

    1. I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say personally first.

      But I must say that a lot of them seem to be Daimons (messengers) rather than Demons; it's the name and understanding of the names that can be the problem. If someone says that you should watch out for Auks in an area- well, think about what it sounds like. (Although I really don't think we're in danger of being harrassed by Tolkienesque monsters.)
